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A typical male Human.
A typical male Human.
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Mammalia
Order Primates
Family Hominidae
Genus Homo
Species Sapiens
Other attributes
Home Planet Earth
Allies Kleekoonanonis (Now), Centauri, Sirians, Toriins
Enemies Kleekoonanonis (Formerly)

Humans (or Terrans) are an advanced spacefaring species native to the planet Earth. Despite being a relatively young species at space travel, they compensate for this with a high rate of technological advancements.


Early History

For more on the history of mankind in the real world, click this link.

Reaching for the Stars

In the 1970s, the world was locked in the Cold War, with the United States and Soviet Union competing for power.

Around this time, an old spaceship was discovered. Both superpowers siezed the technology within, and threatened to use it to defeat each other. Fortunately, they decided to unite the globe and focus on interstellar advancement.

Beginning an Empire

The Earth Republic, the unified global government formed after the merging of Earth's nations, created an interstellar probe. Its goal was to reach the Alpha Centauri system, the nearest to Sol. When it got there, the Centauri race decided to initiate first contact.

Soon after, the Centauri decided to help humanity become an empire. They gave the humans new technology to help them advance. This allowed them to colonize and terraform several planets in nearby systems.


In 2011, the humans discovered a planet they designated Kepler 22-b. The planet was discovered to have civilized sentient life. Nevertheless, they decided to place a colony.

Some of the planet's natives learned of this colony, and attacked it to defend it. Theirattack was successful, and they later reverse-engineered the technology.

Almost a year later, the Kleekoonanonis paid a visit to Earth itself. Again, they attacked the planet's only known city, setting off formal hostilities.

For a while, a cold war raged, although neither side fought in anyway. Finally, in 2013, peace was settled when both races colonized the planet Oxllzkilvviniwilosx, and they've been great allies ever since..


Terrans are a peaceful and curious species, although they do have a strong military. They prefer to study and negotiate with new races they meet, unless said race takes aggressive action, like the Kleekoonanonis.

Their government, the Earth Republic, also incorporates other colonized planets and systems, including Alpha Centauri and Sirius.

Earth republic flag

The offical flag of the Earth Republic.


  • Humans are the only species from the real world to be featured in STNL.
  • The Humans got attacked by the Kleekoonanonis multiple times. During the Civilization Stage, the Humans colonized Epindol and got attacked. In the early Space Stage, the Kleekoonanonis attacked the Humans.
  • In the SR universe, the Humans have colonized many planets, including Mars.
  • One human, Kate Johnson, is a crewmember on the USS Titan.